Kathy Fortner: NEHRF President

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(Kathy and Billy Fortner Inducted into the BWFA Hall of Fame in 2005)

I first got started with animal rescue work in 1971 when Cherokee County, GA did not have an animal shelter. I worked with others in the area to help get the shelter up and running and I would care for dogs and cats at my home until we could find new homes for them . I went on to work with Pickens County,  GA horse rescue groups where I helped with fund raising activities.

As a resident of Canton, GA in 1989, I picked up a copy of "HORSE OWNERS SHOULD USE CERTIFIED FARRIERS AND WHY" booklet at a local market. At that timeI own eight horses. One in particular, Cisco, came up lame andI was afraid that he had foundered and there would be no hope. The booklet was written by Ralph Casey, owner of the Casey and Son Horseshoeing School.

Billy and I immediatly trailered Cisco to the school. He could not walk a step withoutexcruciatingpain. The diagnosis was he was in the foundered stages. So with a good trim he was able to walk a little better that very day. He stayed at the school two weeks. When I came to pick him up , he cantered through the pasture to meet me at the trailer, Billy and I were in tears.

This is when we became involved with MR. Casey's small research laboratory which later became the Farriers' National Research Center. With the increased number of horses being donated to the FNRC which is a for profit business we saw a need to organize a charitable organization which is the NEHRF where those who donate horses, materials, hay, feed, lumber, tractors or anything related to horses can get a tax deduction.

I am a horse lover who really cares about the well being of the equine andam proud to be the president of the NEHRF to help other horse owners that are as dedicated to their horses as I am. I attend all of the events at the FNRC and would be happy to meet with any one who would like to help us in our endeavors.


Contact information for Kathy Fortner: (770) 735-6772 or fortner@mindspring.com